
「......不當自己是僕人,是高高在上的家長,一時當嚴父,一時扮慈母,明示暗示叫你服從。落後的封建思想,以現代廣告營銷的手法來包裝,特別噁心......這個廣告,前提錯誤,比喻不倫。高官們請搞清楚,國是國,家是家,阿媽是阿媽。你不是我阿媽,不是我老竇,更不是我阿爺。」 看了這些文字﹐小弟不禁想﹐特區人從什麼時候開始﹐叫共匪 / 黨中央做「阿爺」? 不是說好一國兩制﹐井水不犯河水的嗎? 幹嗎特區人如此熱中「滴血認親」?


明刀明鎗也好﹐檯底交易也罷﹐共匪好像從沒摸著特區人的腦袋瓜子﹐喊句「乘孫」吧 (假如共匪是特區人的「阿爺」﹐「阿爸」、「阿嫲」和「阿媽」又該是誰呢?)。你既不姓何﹐更不是第八十八房遺腹子﹐賭王又未死﹐不孝的你﹐以為數典忘宗﹐認賊作父就有遺產分嗎?有趣的是﹐不只癲狗一夥﹐近來好像連余若薇都開始稱共匪做「阿爺」﹐「阿爺」原來是疑似「黑語」﹐漸成四海通行的「規範語言」﹐則林公公指余律師「近朱者赤」﹐人人爭住認「外公」﹐也不算誇大之言吧。



依小弟觀察﹐長毛梁國雄也頗喜此道。除了給「新民主女神」的信﹐抬頭寫「周澄兄」以外﹐此君也喜愛逢人就稱「阿哥」﹐例如:「喂﹐阿哥﹐你咁講點通架﹐咁搞人係唔能得架嘛﹐你兩個壽頭﹐得個兩個人就來踩場﹐阿哥﹐踩你都有味啦」諸如此類。初時小弟懷疑裡面是不是有George Orwell的老大哥 (Big Brother)的隱喻﹐後來覺得恐怕想多了吧。

歸根結底﹐梁國雄這「自認契弟」的總路線﹐還是進可攻退可守的良策。進者﹐像古龍小說《絕代雙驕》十大惡人的哈哈兒﹐先認低威 (「你係大佬﹐我係細路」)﹐繼續陪笑﹐再趁機白刀子進紅刀子出;退者﹐像吳宇森電影《英雄本色》的龍哥﹐即使言語不合﹐武藝也不及﹐也不妨趁將敵人調侃 (「阿哥﹐我冇做大佬好耐啦」)﹐討個口頭便宜以至精神勝利﹐也無不可。長毛說不定也是有線節目《歷史幾狼都有》的忠實觀眾﹐重播都撈埋﹐深諳功高震主﹐隨時身首異處﹐即使民望高企﹐還是以孬種自居﹐才是善保吾軀﹐方便到老蘭溝鬼妹的養身之道。



社民連以草根包裝﹐內蘊空疏無物﹐處事是無恩無義﹐為利益無所不用其極。一如以血緣關係來維持的現代企業﹐瓶頸在權力交接。社民連的所謂兄弟班﹐權力從癲狗和平交到陶君行手中﹐當然是騙人的。例如余若薇收到曾特狗的電視辯論挑戰書﹐立刻致電民主黨的何俊仁﹐致電社民連的黃毓民商討﹐但余若薇絕對不會致電陶君行﹐即使他才是社民連的主席﹐一切都彰彰明甚。癲狗既不讓陶君行補選﹐也不遵守承諾辭職 (投票率只得兩三成)﹐要他將龍頭棍放開﹐除非他像司徒華﹐患了大腸癌或前列腺癌之類吧。從這角度觀之﹐「封建思想」和「黑道文化」﹐也沒有什麼兩樣(前者至少還有親情﹗)。

PS 我建議所謂泛民主派諸君﹐以後還是別再用「阿爺」這詞語了 ---- 別忘了韋小寶的名句:「你阿爺丫!!!」﹐俟「阿爺」聽懂了廣東話﹐只怕會秧及小說版電視版電影版《鹿鼎記》全線被禁。


400blows said...


Gw said...


400blows said...

Agree, that's why 社民連 not yet demonstrate its ability to its fullest potential or extent.

400blows said...

I think 社民連 itself doesn't want to exist, i.e. the society is too good that won't breed supporters of 社民連.

Gw said...

What would 社民連 be at the "fullest extent"? Killing government officials?

Please be reminded we are challenging the sufficient conditions that could bring the righteousness of 社民連 running its savageness and exclusion of others at its current acts, let alone the fullest.

400blows said...

No need, it's already enough if the mainstream media can expose 社民連 's vision in essence (which I don't see possible in near future). Now, their discourse can only be found in http://www.hkreporter.com

I have been listening to their online program for years, hence my impression is much different from those exposed in mainstream, i.e. banana throwing, etc. What LSD has done is far beyond the image exposed in mainstream media.

400blows said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gw said...

What insight or vision does LSD’s discourse display OVER other democrats and that justifies its using of savage means in order to get media/people’s attention? I respect your choice of believing LSD. But I find that LSD members are not practicing what they preach about democracy. They reject others and spread hatred.

400blows said...

Agree with you that sometimes I find LSD's action not always the smartest move in terms of its effectiveness, or getting support of the majority of people. For example, the preach of of Long hair, Yukman or Chan Wai Yip are not achieving the same degree in terms of such (especially after editing by mainstream media). However, while the other Pan Democratic members has been fighting for democracy for over 20 years (in a way of a "fair game" parliament), I cannot help finding LSD's action is more "think out of the box" or "grab the bulls by the horns".

Till now, I still find LSD impressed me the most among the 60 Legco members, while agreeing that its action has area of fine tune if it wants enlarge the supporters within the spectrum.

Btw, recommend more people to listen to Yuk Man's online radio program so as to understand more, with content seldom covered in mainstream media, which maybe one of the major reasons why LSD has been attracting supporters from Democratic Party

400blows said...

Here's the link
